The tournament will probably use the Eurobowl 2025 Ruleset. This is the latest iteration. Beware that they may change. We are using the Europen-Ruleset of course (4 Player)
There will be a Team Draft in the beginning of each round. More information on how this is done will be announced soon.
Starting Gold and Star Player Point (SPP)
Tier 1: 1100k & 36 SPP
Tier 2: 1110k & 42 SPP
Tier 3: 1120k & 50 SPP
Tier 4: 1130k & 56 SPP
Tier 5: 1140k & 64 SPP
Tier 6: 1150k & 70 SPP
You can spend spp according to the rulebook, but no random skills or characteristic
improvements are allowed.
You are only allowed to take two extra skills on the same player.
You are only allowed to “stack” for 1 player for tier 1-2, 2 players for tier 3-4 and 3 players for
tier 5-6.
Unspent gold and star player points are lost.
You can’t choose more than 4 from the same skill while spending star player points. If your
team already has at least 4 from the same skill after buying your players (including star
players) but before spending your skill points you CAN’T have more of that skill.
i.e.: A dark elf coach bought 4 blitzers and 2 witch elfs, thus they can only give out two more
dodge before reaching the limit of 4 dodges total. Since they already have at least 4 blocks
on the roster they cannot give out any more.
You are not allowed to have bribes if your team also has gained either sneaky git or dirty
player skill on the roster.
Optional packs (may choose one):
A: “Quantity over quality”: you can exchange 2 spp for 10k gold up to 5 times (gaining you a
maximum of 50k gold for 10 spp)
B: “Training camp”: get extra 6 spp but you lose 30k gold. If you choose this pack, you are
not allowed to “stack”.
C: “Center of attention”: your team can hire star players but lose 8 spp for star players
costing up to 120k, 14 spp for star players costing 121-260k, 20 spp for star players costing
more than 260k.
The following star players are banned and cannot be hired by any team:
Morg, Griff, Skitter, Hakflem, Bomber, Cindy, Zzharg, Estelle, Dribl & Drull, Deeproot, Kreek,
Tier1: Lizardmen, Shambling Undead, Dark Elves, Skaven, Amazons, Wood Elves.
Tier2: Orc, Norse, Underworld Denizens, Vampire, Human, Dwarves.
Tier3: High Elves, Tomb Kings, Slann, Chaos Dwarves, Necromantic Horror.
Tier4: Elven Union, Khorne, Old World Alliance, Imperial Nobility.
Tier5: Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Nurgle.
Tier6: Goblins, Ogres, Halflings, Snotlings, Gnomes
List of eligible inducements:
Bloodweiser keg——–
Mortuary assistant
Plague doctor
Wandering apothecary
Team mascot
Josef Bugman
Master chef
Riotous rookie
See: Games Workshop’s Teams of Legend PDF
Also See: NAF-Turnierregeln 2021
additional notifications
12+ man on the pitch: In case there will be more than 11 players on the pitch and the kickoff event has occurred the following consequences will happen: Randomly the additional players will be chosen by a d16 and that player will be removed from the pitch into the reserve box. In case this will happen in the offense of a team, that team suffers a turnover.
Raise-the-Death: Coaches of Undead and Necromantic teams may raise the dead according to CRP rules. That zombie will stay during this match and leave the team right after.
Casualties: Only Block CAS will count (also by Ball&Chain). All other Cas. By kick-off, crowd pushed, secret weapons&fouls or failed GFI won’t count
Overtime: No overtime rule will take place. If after 16 rounds the result is a draw it will also end in this result.
End up by referee: We kindly remind you to end up the games due the time schedule above. We will call the remaining time several times during the matches. There will be a timer to see online, too. In case your game is not finished in time there won’t be a possibility to finish it with extra time. In that case the referee will end the game after the actual turn of the active coach. It would be great for each team to have a Chess Clock App available on a Smartphone or Tablet. There are a lot of free options on all platforms to get such an app. If any opponent wants to use a chessclock at any time you should be fine with it. In the initial setting of the chess clock both players should be given the same amount of time. If in any trouble please come to the referees early.
Conceding a game: If you concede a game, the result will be 2:0 TD and 3:0 CAS for your opponent.
Sharing dice/Playing with the same dice: If your opponent asks you any time to share dice, both have to play the rest of the game with the same set of dice. Please decide on your own which set to choose. If you need any help please come to the referees. It is advised to use a dice cup or a dice tower.
It is your duty to keep up sportsmanship and run into a smooth tournament. So please look for a strict time schedule and fairness of your game as for your opponent. In case of misunderstandings don’t hesitate to call for the referee.
tournament process
You and your team take part in a series of 6 games. Parings will be determined by the swiss system except round 1 as it will be a random draw.
You and your team will be seated on numbered tables according to your tournament rank. Please show up in time and start the games right after the drawings would have been pronounced. In case you miss your opponent don’t hesitate to contact the tournament staff. We would right looks for your opponent. In case the opponent didn’t show up within 30 minutes after start of the round you receive an automatically win.
We won’t be using score cards anymore. This tournament will be environmental-friendy paper-less. The entry of the tournament data/game scores is done via the www. There are other options provided to tell us your result of course (mainly direct speech!)
We are using the following Score System:
score for teams | |
Teamwin | 2 points |
Teamdraw | 1 points |
Teamloss | 0 points |
Tiebraker | 1. Head to Head 2. Sum of individual wins for the players of the team 3. Opponent Score |
For Single Player Ranking the system is the following:
individual coaches score | |
Win | 2 points |
Draw | 1 point |
Loss | 0 points |
Tiebreaker | 1. Opponent Score 2. Net TD + Net CAS |
We will award the following categories
rank | team | individual |
Champion | X | X |
Runner Up | X | ./. |
3rd Place | X | ./. |
Best Stunty | ./. | X |
Most TD | ./. | X |
Most CAS | ./. | X |
The best individual player after 6 rounds will recieve a painted NAF-Trophy!
There will be special gimmicks and maybe some side prices during the tournament.
things you should and need to bring along
Your team must consist only of painted models. If you use different models or converted models each position should be recognizable easily. Please inform your opponent in advance of the race and the position of your players to avoid misunderstandings. For the use of the additional skills we highly recommend to use skill or base rings.
Please include 2 copies of your team roster including all skills for the 6 rounds and bring all dice and templates that you need for your team.
You will have to bring a (1) pitch with you as we cannot provide them right now (we are planning to do this again in the future)
In general we call for the slogan Blood Bowl & Friends. Therefore we would like you to have a fair and friendly attitude within the tournament. The 4-minute rule won‘t be used. As mentioned above please keep the strict time schedule in mind and please involve the tournament organizers for any misunderstandings or in case of discussions.
In case of unsportsmanlike conduct (e.g. obviously delay of play, insultings, etc.) the tournament committee has the right to call several penalties (e.g. loss of points up to tournament disqualification).