German Team Bowl

The 4 Player Blood Bowl Team Tournament in Cologne, Germany 31.8./01.09.2024

Author: Arioso Page 3 of 4

GTB Infomail sent

An alle Kapitäne von GTB-Teams, ich habe am Freitag eine Email verschickt. Die scheint bei einigen im Spam-Ordner gelandet zu sein. Gebt mir bitte kurz eine entsprechende Rückmeldung, dann schicke ich sie nochmal.

Hier die Infomail im Wortlaut (auf englisch) – bei Rückfragen auch bitte eine kurze Info

Dear Coaches,


GTB is coming nearer, so ist time latest news. I will completely switch to english now as we have teams attending from all over europe (spain, france, belgium, austria, bavaria…). Most of the announcements during the tournament will be done in english, too.


As we still have interest from several international teams i have increased the capacity of the event. So i booked a 2nd room in the youth hostel, GTB this year will be larger than ever.

Thank you all for your support and your help.

Of course this will lead us to play in 2 rooms. I changed the timetable a tiny bit just to get you a little more time in between the matches, we will have a bit of flexibility regarding lunch on Sunday. I will give more info on this at the tournament itself.

As the second room does cost money (surprise) it is not possible anymore to order new boards for this years’ gtb. So there won’t be an option to order boards for you anymore. Furthermore each team should bring at least 2 (better: more) boards to play with.

I can provide a certain amount of boards especially for those of you coming by plane and not haveing much room left in your luggage. But everybody else of you comeing by car, please bring boards with you. If you have any troubles regarding boards, please get in contact with me, so i can plan accordingly.

The booking of the 2nd room is the reason why i cannot guarantee you a refund if you drop out right now anymore. We will have to sort out that later after the tournament.


Now there are some things you need to do/ some more info for you:

a) In this mail, there is an excel-file – please fill out your rosters and all other important information until August, 15th. I will put them online again for all of you to see and check before the tournament. The Excel should check your rosters for itself. If you notice any issues or bugs please tell me 🙂 The file will probably not work with very old excel versions or open office (at least i haven’t testet it). If you have any troubles filling it, come back to me. Else if should be pretty much self-explanatory

b) I will try to organize a come together at a pub at the saturday evening again. To plan with the pub i do need a rough number of people who want to join in the pub evening. There will be local german food and drinks. Its the same pub we went the last years. So if you want to join us there i’ll need information until the 1st of August. I need the number of people joining in so if you have family with you that wants to come please think of the exact amount of people. If you don’t send info until August 1st, i cannot guarantee a place there as i will not book a table for you then. The pub really needs to know if if has to serve 50 or 100 players. they will get more waiters and kitchen stuff for us etc. Remember the pub evening is not included in the tournament. Prices are fair in the pub though.

c) As we had a team dropping out and a bit of changes of coaches, i am running low of people who can join in. So if you are dropping a player there is no option anymore that i can compensate this. I don’t want to play by myself, so i am not an option 🙂

d) For those teams who didn’t pay yet – a reminder that deadline to pay is August 1st. So please do, so i can plan accordingly. We do have space for at least 2 more teams, but i am looking to fill both spaces at once just for the sake of an easier draw. If teams havent paid until August 1st, i have to assume that they won’t come.

e) As i noticed there have been some changes in your participating coaches –  please doublecheck the website if all coach info is correct. Please enter the correct coaches in the Excel-File. If you have any changes in your lineup please send them to me by mail, too. During the tournament most of the communication (draw/tables etc.) will be done via the webpage ( – i think every team does have a mobile device with internet access with it in these days 🙂 There will be free Wifi at the youth hostel.

f) We are playing the official Eurobowl Rules, only the old Norse Team is allowed, so the excel doesnt provide the new Norse Team.

g) The bad corona word: Right now there aren’t any restrictions regarding coronavirus in germany anymore, that will affect us. This can change in autumn as we all know. If you want to play with masks that is perfectly fine. If any new regulations come that we need to take care of i will come to you as soon as possible. A reminder: Right now in public transport in germany you still have to wear a medical mask.

I assume there will be another wave of corona comeing, i don’t think that politics will prohibit the tournament but you will never know. Please book accordingly!

h) The youth hostel needs to know if there are any food restrictions for the lunch. Usually they provide a vegetarian and a non-vegetarian meal. If there are any other food restrictions please tell me until August, 1st too.


So thats all for today, i am very happy to have you all around comeing from all over europe.

As usual – if you have any problems, questions etc. contact me per mail or at the other means you have to reach me 🙂





Kapazität erweitert

After getting some interest, we expanded the capacity of this years’ tournament.

We do have some spots left now – so if you want to join in germanys largest blood bowl tournament – join in and register 🙂

GTB not sold out :)

GTB 2022 has been sold out. Great news – we will be the biggest GTB ever!

I have the option to expand the numbers even further. To do so from now on i will put every interested team on the waiting list. If we find 4 interested team i have the option to book another room! So if you want to join in please get in contact with me!


GTB 2022 füllt sich

GTB is filling. Thanks for your participation.

I will send an infomail to the captains in the next weeks. Stay tuned!

GTB 2022

Time after GTB is time before GTB! Next year we are playing 10th/11th September. Same venue, same pub.

More Information here on the website



Übersicht der Teams

Mike (sann) made a lovely Tableau-Analysis for the GTB 2021. You can see the teams and more following this link.



GTB sold out!

We really do have all team spots taken. 24 Teams will compete in this years largest bloodbowl tournament in germany. Who will take the win to his league? Who will be the best single player.
Time for speculation!!!

GTB will happen!!!


ITS HAPPENING. GTB will happen without major restrictions. I have the conformation from the local health authorities and the venue. All Teams can come, we can play with up to 100 people.

We do have some restrictions that will take place and everybody HAS to fulfull

  • To get access to the venue and the tournament itselt you will need a certification of either double vaccination, a proof that you have been recovered from a former covid-infection or you have to bring an actual negative test result not older than 48h from a certificated test center. These centres are in germany all around the city, you can bring one from your own country but it has to be an official one. The youth hostel may look fort he proof to let you enter the hostel. I have to look for this, too.
  • For all floors and ways inside the youth hostel there are compulsory medical facemasks (mandatory). They need to fulfull EN95 or FFP1-norm. Please bring those masks with you. Regarding masks during the tournament i will make an announcement on the 1st day of the tourrnament. We do have a terace next tot he room, if the weather is good enough to actually play outside there may be different options than if we all need to play inside
  • If anybody is not willing or not able to fulfill the current hygiene measurements the youth hostel will send him/her out oft he house and i will send him out oft he tournament. All Games will be counted as a 0:2 loss then.


I do have some interested spare players looking for a team. If you need any help to get in contact please come to me as soon as possible. I will definitely finish the deadline for teams at 01.09.2021


If you have any further questions please make contact with me at any time

Bislang sieht es gut aus

I will send an a email with Informations to all the captains tomorrow. Right now its looking good that the tournament can be held! And for all of you a little teaser!


GTB 2021 11.09.2021/12.09.2021

Plans for GTB 2021 are made and lets all hope we can join together at the tables in a pandemic!

Due to the nature of our world right now, please notice the following:

  • I cannot guarantee that the tournament can happen at all. We still don’t know yet how the world will be in september. I can wait till august to finalize the deals with the venue so please keep this in mind when booking in advance and have a look for the option to cancel the booking without any further costs.
  • Furthermore i cannot say how the tournament itself can be held. If i have to fulfill certain conditions there may be a smaller number of participants (which could increase the cost). I will inform the captains of the teams seperately on this.

If there are any more questions feel free to ask anytime anywhere. You know how to get to me 🙂


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